Artists, Performers, & Lightning Talks
Each year, in addition to our poster presentations, Cal Poly Humboldt’s ideaFest also showcases creative works by visual and performing artists, musicians, filmmakers, and much more! Live performances and presentations happen during the event and are open to all.
Listed below are the projects and performers featured from 2023:

Humboldt Sculpture Walk

Dance Performances
Library 2nd Floor • 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Excerpts from the Dance Program's "Dance Visions" plus other student-created dance works in the styles of contemporary, Middle Eastern, and Jazz. Coordinated by Linda Maxwell, Theater Film & Dance, (

Musical Performances
Library 1st Floor • 2:00-4:00 pm
The music department will showcase Humboldt students as soloists, composers, and performers in chamber ensembles. Coordinated by Cindy Moyer of the Music Department, (
Nursing PSA Video Competition

Film Department
Library 1st Floor Room 120 • 4:15 -5:00 pm
The Film Program will feature a variety of outstanding, entertaining, and thoughtful recent short films. These collaborative works of art demonstrate the accomplishments of Cal Poly Humboldt’s emerging filmmakers and their progression through our foundational Filmmaking I-IV production classes as well as various Film electives. Students hone creative and technical skills by producing original films and videos spanning the genres of narrative, documentary, social change and experimental. The films explore personal visions, social topics, internal worldscapes, and much more. They are the creative output of a diverse, talented, and extremely hard working group of up-and-coming filmmakers. Coordinated by Dave Jannetta, Film Professor and Program Lead, Art + Film Department (
Emerging Media for The Gallery
Library 3rd Floor • 4:00 -5:00 pm
As a practice for visual storytelling and sensory experience, these collaborative works of ‘emerging art’ and 'new media' un-work to renegotiate the borders of the screen that challenge human perception and demonstrate new narrative frame-works through 360-degree camera work and VR environments, the loveable kinesthetic grain of 16mm film, augmented reality and sonic labyrinths, screen sculpture and other works of analog and digital media translated through non-conventional presentation methods. Coordinated by Dr. Michelle L. Cartier, Film Program (
CIRM Bridges 3.0 Connect Lightning Talks
Library Fishbowl 2nd Floor • 3:00-5:00 pm
Cal Poly Humboldt CIRM Bridges scholars are pleased to present their research in regenerative medicine to our campus and community in 5-minute lightning talks with discussion to follow.
The Humboldt CIRM (California Institute for Regenerative Medicine) Bridges Programs supports student internships in research laboratories developing cell-based therapies to address unmet medical needs. This year’s CIRM Bridges student interns in regenerative medicine research are approaching the end of their 12-month internship in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine at one of our outstanding collaborating host institutions: The Stanford University Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine and The University of California Davis Stem Cell Program. They have received advanced training in the research methods and good manufacturing practices required to develop cellular-based therapies for emerging and unmet medical needs. Posters of the work will also be available for viewing.
Celebration of First-Year Writing
Library 2nd Floor • 3:00-5:00 pm
- English 103 – Jolien Olsen
- English 103 – Erin Sullivan
Makerspace Showcase
After Party with DJ Catboy Forever