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Presenters & Abstracts: 2020
A Geospatial Inventory of the Jacoby Creek Forest & Potential for Restoration Thinning
- Cameron MillerForestryUndergraduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
Second-growth stands of conifers are increasingly being looked to for timber production and ecosystem services across the Pacific Northwest. These stands, regenerated after old-growth logging in the mid-20th century, have the potential to provide timber products, watershed protection and wildlife habitat. However, for these stands to function to their fullest potential, they often require silvicultural treatments such as variable density or restoration thinning. This project conducted a preliminary inventory of the Jacoby Creek Forest using geospatial analysis. Previous silviculture, stand conditions, road networks and watercourses were all compiled to create inventory maps of the forest.
A History of Competitive Speech and Debate at Humboldt State University
- Aaron DonaldsonCommunicationFaculty
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
In 1947, at the West Point Military Academy, the first ever National Debate Championship pitted dozens of students from numerous colleges and universities across America against each other in a contest of research, notation, listening skills, and advocacy. Every year since schools world-wide have utilized "competitive forensics" to develop these crucial capabilities. Starting in 1955, HSU has one of America's best-known programs, yet few at HSU know much about it - this presentation will explore the justification, founding, history, methodologies and current status of this nationally-recognized program.
A Modified Anaerobic Treadmill Test Based On A Calculation Of Total Work In Collegiate and Recreational Athletes
- Dylan RobertsKinesiologyGraduate Student
College of Professional Studies
Anaerobic capacity is defined as the maximal amount of energy used during high intensity exercise by means of anaerobic energy systems. For decades, the primary way to test anaerobic capacity is the Wingate Anaerobic Power Test (WAT), however, it is not sports-specific to a majority of athletes. Subjects will be tested on the WAT and three completed three Anaerobic Speed Test (AST) treadmill protocols; the Cunningham and Faulkner AST (20%, 8mph), Murao modified AST (15% grade, 9.1mph) and a new proposed mAST (20% grade, 10.6mph). Time to fatigue and work output will be compared to each other for each AST and compared to Peak, Relative, and Average Power in the WAT.
A Symbol of Hope: An Ethnographic Analysis of Religion and Disaster following the Camp Fire
- Sarah HoldenAnthropologyUndergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
What support do survivors turn to after environmental disasters? This research examines how survivors of the Camp Fire, one of the deadliest and most destructive wildfires in California’s history, draw upon religion in the aftermath of disaster. Specifically, this research asks: What role does religion play in rebuilding a community post-disaster? During the summer of 2019, I conducted ethnographic observations, interviews and surveys with individuals affected by the Camp Fire. I documented material, social and spiritual forms of support that religions organizations offered to residents of Paradise and consider how these factors relate to building the town.
Abstinence-Centered Comprehensive Sexual Education
- Mattea Leigh RobertsPolitical ScienceUndergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Within the United States, especially with California's new sexual education model, parents are pushing back due beliefs of abstinence. While these believes should be honored, most abstinence only sexual education curriculums are rooted in misinformation and can harm a child's development. Within this project, I will be exploring the possibility of a comprehensive sexual education program that can be abstinence centered.
Acts of Uncovering: Compiling Data on MMIW to Address a Hidden Crisis
- Natalie Rose EngberSocial WorkGraduate Student
- Toni LoeraSocial WorkGraduate Student
- Isadora RiversSocial WorkGraduate Student
- Rachel RyanSocial WorkGraduate Student
College of Professional Studies
Sovereign Bodies Institute (SBI) maintains the largest and most comprehensive database of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) in the US and Canada. Due to the high number of cases and the desire to have comprehensive information on each individual case, we were honored to work with SBI to compile case files for 107 MMIWG in Northern California. SBI will use this information to have a clearer picture of what is known, what is unknown, and what has been written about or publicly shared about each missing or murdered Indigenous women and girls in Northern California.
Alienhood Rhetoric: The Construction and Maintenance of Otherness in Alien Film
- Aaron DonaldsonCommunicationFaculty
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
The Rhetoric of Otherness: The Alien Movie Project is a 91-part podcast exploring the narrative and affective politics of alien cinema. The purpose is to expose the symbolic and performative practices that make up "Alien" Others and the contexts of Otherness. The AMP has covered nearly 200 peer-reviewed texts and nearly 90 alien films - this presentation will explore some of the broader justifications, implications, and themes.
Analysis of Language Surrounding Sexual Consent in College Human Sexuality Textbooks
- Cameron CarpenterPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Wendy Nuttelman
- Savannah AielloPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Indiana MurilloPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Heather ReynoldsPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Manuel FloresPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Edith GomezPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Benjamin GrahamPsychologyFaculty
College of Professional Studies
Using corpus linguistics, we created an initial analysis on how consent is presented in undergraduate human sexuality textbooks. We investigated how consent was represented semantically, descriptively and contextually. These initial findings will inform future steps and provide us with a baseline to compare to grassroots initiatives.
Analysis of Post Mortem Human Muscle Proteome via Gel Electrophoresis
- Hailey HughesBiochemistryUndergraduate Student
- Paige HannemannBiochemistryStaff
- Georgia SackBiochemistryStaff
- Kim WhiteBiochemistryFaculty
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
The changes in proteome human muscle tissue were analyzed using protein extraction and quantification techniques, SDS-PAGE, and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Muscle tissue samples were collected at defined postmortem intervals from a single body at the Forensic Investigation Research Station (FIRS) in Grand Junction, CO. These techniques were used to identify decomposition products of the rectus femoris muscle proteins that occur post mortem. The ultimate goal of this research is to correlate protein decomposition product masses (via mass spectrometry analysis) to distinctive postmortem intervals measured in accumulated degree days (ADD).
Ancient Costa Rican Incense Burners
- Ava HonigschmidtAnthropologyUndergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Ceramics and incense are used in cultures all around the world for ritual purposes. In Costa Rica, Potosi Variety ceramics used hollow jaguar and crocodile effigies to diffuse incense smoke as an offering. Potosi Variety vessels have not been subject to much research within the field of archaeology; throughout my project, I will be studying these vessels through experimental archaeology and ethnoarchaeology. In my recreation, I will be using similar materials, methods of ceramic shaping that are or have been used in Costa Rica, and photos of Potosi Variety vessels to inform my process. My methodology will then be compared and contrasted with other possible methods of production.