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Presenters & Abstracts: 2022
Threat Stress Appraisals Moderate the Relationship Between Social Support and Degree Commitment
- Sophie TiminPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Maria IturbidePsychologyFaculty
- Brandilynn VillarrealPsychologyFaculty
- Bernardo Sosa-RosalesPsychologyGraduate Student
- Edgar Jimenez-MadoraPsychologyGraduate Student
College of Professional Studies
We examined the role of social support and perceptions of stress in predicting college students' degree commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students high in threat appraisals tend to interpret stressors as harmful or anxiety-inducing. These negative dispositional perceptions of stress are linked to lower motivation. Meanwhile, greater social support is related to greater college persistence, although students’ ability to cope can mitigate the beneficial effects of social support. We found support for a moderating effect of threat appraisals on the relationship between social support and degree commitment. Implications for student success and the importance of reappraisals are discussed.
Time Series Analysis of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler in Humboldt Bay
- Isabelle MarcusOceanographyUndergraduate Student
- Emma ModrickOceanographyUndergraduate Student
- Bennett HosselkusOceanographyUndergraduate Student
- Tamara Beitzel BarriquandOceanographyFaculty
- Amanda AdmireGeologyFaculty
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
The OCN 499 extended independent study is a time series analysis of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) in Humboldt Bay in collaboration with NOAA's Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS) project.
Trail Map of The Humboldt Botanical Gardens
- Cristina SarabiaGeographyUndergraduate Student
- Yuichi AmbiruGeographyUndergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
The Humboldt Botanical Garden, located in southern Eureka, is where the Lost Coast Brewery Native Plant Garden thrives. Our project for The Humboldt Botanical Garden will focus on the described main role of botanical gardens. Given The Humboldt Botanical Garden is focusing on exhibiting endemic species to the Northern California region, we would like to emphasize its role as a place for understanding plants and recognizing the species diversity in the region. One of the ways to make it possible is to expand access to the botanical garden. Through making a trail map that displays whole paths in the garden, people will gain another way to navigate the garden.
Under The Sign Of The Dollar - Demythologizing The Dollar
- Joshua ChavanneCommunicationUndergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Money is used as a means to mediate exchange of commodities and services between parties in our economy. Semiotics is a mode of inquiry that endeavors to examine symbolic mediation of meaning through the concept of the “sign”. The purpose of this project is to use the United States dollar as a reference point to open a plane of inquiry into the messages of the dollar from its graphical elements to its textual content.
Understanding NAGPRA
- Chalene DutyArchaeologyUndergraduate Student
- Dawn NystromArchaeologyUndergraduate Student
- Virginia VanceArchaeologyUndergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
This poster provides a deeper look into the history, legislation, enforcement, and weakness of NAGPRA. Alongside our analysis we include an in-depth discussion of the White VS University of California court case in which NAGPRA was enacted. The case study explores the difficulties in dealing with the vagueness of NAGPRA and applying this legislation to real world problems. This poster above all encourages critical discussions of our cultural resource management laws in this country and the necessary steps we must take to improve them. NAGPRA holds an integral place in our cultural management, and we must work to hold it accountable to the highest standards.
Using an unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) to survey Black Brant use of Sand Island in Arcata Bay
- Tristen DraperWildlifeUndergraduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
This study was done on Black Brant commonly found in Arcata Bay during migration season. Preliminary camera trap data showed Brant to be utilizing Sand Island in the bay, so I used that to determine the optimal time to use a drone to survey the behavior of the birds. I conducted three different uav flights during the month of April, and obtained approximately 120 photograph stills and 15 videos. From these videos I'm going to count the number of Brant using the island within the timeframe of when the flights were conducted, and then calculate the proportion of birds engaged in gritting behavior- a process where birds swallow sand to help break down food in their gizzard.
Utilization of the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary by North American River Otters
- Kaitlyn ZedekerDepartment of WildlifeUndergraduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
North American river otters are a regular sight to see in the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary and have been observed to exhibit different behaviors and activities in various locations of the marsh. By using ArcGIS Pro, visual observations of river otters made by Jeff Black over the course of two years have been mapped out depending on their behavior and activity. I focused on mapping three main behaviors that otters exhibit in the marsh: fishing for fish or invertebrates, hunting for birds, or traveling to/from or through the marsh.
Validation of FLT3-ITD in CD34+ Human Cord Blood Cells using CRISPR-Cas9 editing to investigate pre-leukemic stem cells as therapeutic targets in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- Andrew SchenkerBiologyGraduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is an aggressive cancer of the bone marrow that results from the uncontrolled growth of abnormal hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) populations. The goal of this project is to characterize the mechanisms for the transformation of genetically engineered human primary HSCs to AML. My aim is to validate FLT3-ITD CRISPR-Cas9 reagents to contribute to the sequential editing matrix scheme of the larger project of investigating preleukemic stem cells as therapeutic targets in AML. Understanding the genetic components of preleukemia can help inform clinical decisions of which patients to provide transplants and in what stage of remission this therapy can be most effective.
Variation in Mallard Foraging Strategy in Relation to Group Size
- Kyle RaderWildlifeUndergraduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
It is commonly believed that many animals, especially prey species, benefit from foraging while in a group. Using point-count surveys, I observed Mallard at the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary in an effort to determine their propensity for foraging at an increased rate while in a group. I also attempted to determine whether or not group size altered the preferred foraging strategy of mallard.
Water Temp. & Clarity Effects on Diving Duck Duration Under Water
- Kayli TibbsWildlifeUndergraduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
My research project took place at the Arcata Marsh looking at two diving duck species (Greater Scaups and Buffle Heads) and determining whether water temperature or water clarity effect the the duck's duration underwater.