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Presenters & Abstracts: 2023
Youth Developmental Program: Captain John High School in Hoopa, CA
Rosa Granados, Social Work Graduate Student
College of Professional Studies
We are supporting the Youth Developmental Program research and outcomes at Captain John Continue High School in Hoopa. Two Feathers provides and funded these Native American Family Services located all over Humboldt County schools and systems utilizing tribal best practices as their main guidance to a balanced community. This program runs work pods, weaving circles, drumming circles, and LGBTQ+2Spirits talking circles. They advocate and collaborate with all Two Feathers clinicians, school administrators, school counselors, programs, and resources that provide share career & college opportunities, cultural interventions, and lastly expand the connection to nature and community. For the youth!
Youth in Motion: Sunset Kayak
Alaya Eveland, Other Undergraduate Student
College of Professional Studies
My project is an event that celebrates how outdoor recreation can connect youth to the land, to our communities, and ourselves. This will be a free private kayaking event at the Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center on May 6th, and aims to support transition age foster youth through a free community building experience. All transportation, gear, and food will be provided at no cost to the participants, and will be funded by various grants and donations from our stakeholders. The event will be hosted by Center Activities at Cal Poly Humboldt and California Youth Connections, and will be open to members of Elite Scholars and the Humboldt County Transition Age Youth Committee (HCTAYC).
Youth Voices Matter
Lori Hayes, Social Work Graduate Student
College of Professional Studies
In partnership with the Yurok Tribe, this project seeks the opinions of Yurok extended foster care and aged-out foster youth about their experiences, their needs, and their opinions on how services can be improved and ideas for future programing for Tribal foster youth. This project will produce a report that highlights common themes found in the interviews, insightful input and ideas for improvement provided by the participants. As the ICWA Department and the Tribal Court continue to design programing for youth and refine existing programs, the hope is that this final report will provide useful information that will help them in program design and improvements over time.
Yurok Wellness Court Professional Training
Madalene Easterbrook , Social Work Graduate Student
- AngeliqueHennessySocial WorkGraduate Student
College of Professional Studies
Our finished project is a recorded video training, approximately one hour long. We gave a copy of the training to the Yurok Wellness Court. We also gave a copy of the slides to the Yurok Wellness Court, so that they may conduct their own live training using our materials.
“The sense of solidarity”: Relational ethics, peer support, and specialized resources for rural and Indigenous social work education program alumni
Calla Peltier-Olson, Social Work Graduate Student
College of Professional Studies
Humboldt Social Work Alumni experience unique challenges and exhibit particular strengths as a virtue of the unique focus of the Program and the context of the rural & Indigenous communities served. I assessed how alumni’s sustainability in the field might be bolstered, and how their education impacted their practice/values. I facilitated a focus group of graduating Master’s students and an online survey open to all alumni, and translated the data into recommendations. I used Indigenous MMR, combining quantitative data, thematic analysis, & relational epistemology. I recommend the creation of a decentralized alumni organization, drawing from other postcolonial-education-focused alumni orgs.