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Presenters & Abstracts: College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Agency: Seeds of our Next Generation
- Molly GilmoreEnvironmental StudiesUndergraduate Student
My service learning project is with the Sunnybrae Middle School after school program. During my time spent at the after school program, I have learned about the process of empowering our youth to become social change agents in our community through support and knowledge of food justice. I facilitated activities with the kids around ideas of growing their own food, the importance of shopping locally, and the implications revolved around food in our community.
Agisoft PhotoScan an Archaeologists Swiss Knife: Three- Dimentional Reconstructions a Multi-Analysis and Preservation Tool
- Walter A. Tovar SaldanaAnthropologyUndergraduate Student
The Agisoft project contains an extensive repertoire of images obtained through drones, and field photos of artifacts, buildings, and excavations of the Belize Archaeology Project. The project will serve and accomplish many objectives in the academic endeavors of the discipline of archaeology. The visual imagery gained from interacting with the photographs and correlating data is a hands on feature of gaining knowledge and experience of the archaeological field of study. The project introduces a new technological devise and software program that is revolutionary in the field of archaeology.
Agisoft PhotoScan an Archaeologists Swiss Knife: Three- Dimentional Reconstructions a Multi-Analysis and Preservation Tool
- Walter A. Tovar SaldanaAnthropologyUndergraduate Student
The Agisoft project has generated three-dimensional reconstruction of excavation units, stela, and micro-scale cultural landscapes of the hinterland Maya near the large ancient Maya center of Dos Hombres. The components involved in producing such reconstructions include: an extensive collection of images obtained through drone technology, field photos, and Agisoft PhotoScan software. The produced three-dimensional models provide a medium to conduct various forms of analysis that construct and preserve the context of archaeological artifacts, sites, and features. The project has produce a medium to inquire about the Belize archaeological project without being physically present. Innovative.
AHHA, A New Perspective For Addressing Homelessness
- Lindsey DiggsEnvironmental StudiesUndergraduate Student
The Affordable Homeless Housing Alternatives (AHHA) nonprofit, based in Eureka, California, challenges the dominant approaches used to solve homelessness within the community. They believe everyone has the right to a safe living environment no matter their present circumstances. AHHA aims to build transitional housing in the form of tiny house villages. Their main focus is to highlight the importance of community amongst those that are disadvantaged and to incorporate it into the heart of all proposed solutions moving forward.
Alienhood Rhetoric: The Construction and Maintenance of Otherness in Alien Film
- Aaron DonaldsonCommunicationFaculty
The Rhetoric of Otherness: The Alien Movie Project is a 91-part podcast exploring the narrative and affective politics of alien cinema. The purpose is to expose the symbolic and performative practices that make up "Alien" Others and the contexts of Otherness. The AMP has covered nearly 200 peer-reviewed texts and nearly 90 alien films - this presentation will explore some of the broader justifications, implications, and themes.
Alzheimer's Disease as Type 3 Diabetes? Unconventional Methods to Utilize if AD is Seen as T3DM
Frank Tirado, School of Applied Health Undergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social SciencesIn recent years new findings in research have been revealing that Alzheimer’s Disease is endocrine disorder: Type 3 Diabetes Mellitus(T3DM). With new evidence of Alzheimer’s Disease(AD) being T3DM, there are now new methods of preventing or slowing the progression of AD.
American Sign Language Coloring Book
- Megan HardmanEnglish 104: First-Year writing programUndergraduate Student
This creative project consists of a coloring book of basic American Sign Language; such as the alphabet, mannerisms, emergency signs, and other signs that I thought would be important to have within the book. Plus a description in the back explaining what American Sign language is and a brief bit of history within the Deaf community.
An Addiction to Capitalism: A Climate Story
- JakeCommunicationUndergraduate Student
My research recognizes, evaluates, and dissects the intersections of Political Theory and Communication to offer a rhetorical criticism of mainstream environmentalism. Through a careful analysis of case studies, political processes, and interdisciplinary theory, I illustrate and criticize how environmentalism as a justice movement has been co-opted by capitalism through its commodification and farcical regulation. In these regards, I conclude by acknowledging and appreciating the discursive efforts of Armory Lovins, Hunter Lovins, Paul Hawken for their work in Natural Capitalism, as well as the political progress of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez and her proposed Green New Deal.
An EdVenturous Quest
- Blake A. HildabrandEnvironmental StudiesUndergraduate Student
This project highlights the service learning project completed with the Humboldt County Office of Education community partner. More specifically their Redwood EdVentures Quests. These Quests are scavenger hunts that, with the help of interpretive learning clues, lead you through many of the North Coast parks and other nature trails. Not only do the quests add value to the specific quest locations, these quests create a space for childhood wonder and discovery of natural systems inspiring them to have a more harmonious relationship with their environment. On a deeper level, these quests foster ideas of environmental and social interdependence, shared leadership, and transformation.
An Inside Look At Your Local Community School
- Shane PesisEnvironmental StudiesUndergraduate Student
This report summarizes the experience working with Humboldt County Office of Education at the Eureka Community School. The goal of this project is to enhance visibility of the education system at court schools and improve upon each individual’s learning experience. This was accomplished through in-depth interviews with staff faculty at the Eureka Community School alongside 30+ volunteer hours as an aid in the classroom.