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Presenters & Abstracts: 2023
Expression of a diverse set of olfactory receptors in the California slender salamander
Seanamae Adams, Biological Sciences Undergraduate Student
- KarenKiemnec-TyburczyFaculty
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
Vertebrates use proteins expressed in the sensory cells of the nasal cavity to detect odors and chemical signals. The study aimed to characterize the olfactory receptors (ORs) in the California Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps attenuatus). We used standard molecular genetics techniques (PCR and cloning) to isolate 15 partial sequences of ORs from salamander olfactory tissue. We used phylogenetic reconstruction to show that the salamander ORs we isolated grouped with the gamma family of ORs found in many other vertebrates. Our preliminary results suggest that this species has a large and diverse OR family, a finding consistent with their ecological reliance on chemical communication.
Fast Fashion
Laquita Agwiak, Wildlife Undergraduate Student
- MarcoBlancasWildlifeUndergraduate Student
- JustinPackhamUndergraduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
Our creative project from our Wildlife 309 class: Case Studies in Environmental Ethics, focuses on the ethics of the fashion industry. With our outfits made from trash or found objects along with our posters, we are bringing waste to the forefront to expose the fashion industries façade. Even though the fashion industry is highly valuable and earns high revenues, it comes at a devastating cost to the environment as this industry is one of the top 7 polluters globally.
Flush It! Managing Antibiotic Residual Volume in Acute Care
Breanna Lien, Nursing Undergraduate Student
College of Professional Studies
This project considers the implication of administering small-volume antibiotics as an intermittent primary intravenous infusion. This method leaves significant residual volume in the IV tubing which leads to deviations from the prescribed dose and rate of administration. This is a common practice in acute care. A possible quality improvement project design using evidence-based practice is exhibited. The goal of the QI project would be to standardize policy, procedure, and administration of small-volume antibiotics to ensure consistent care and treatment for every patient.
Foraging and Vigilance in American Coot
April Barillas , Wildlife Undergraduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
I observed American Coots at the Arcata Marsh and Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge for 10 minutes based on foraging and vigilance in a group or individual.
Foraging Success of American Robins (Turdus migrators) in Pasture Conditions
Sara Dabovich, Wildlife Undergraduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
My research project investigated success American Robins (Turdus migratorius) as predators in livestock pastures. Using random focal sampling and critical behavior incidence recording I obtained percent of successful attempts in moderately and over grazed pastures made by male and female birds.
Freedom of Speech
Barbara Singleton, Sociology Undergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
This case research project explains the relevance of Bond v. Floyd in relation to senators and the Freedom of speech doctrine.
Gender Equity in Wildlife Publishing: A Census of 22 Years of Authorship in the Journal of Wildlife Management
Rebeca Becdach, Wildlife Graduate Student
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
Various studies have documented gender inequity in scientific fields, including medicine, computational biology, the physical sciences, and ecology. A clear indicator of this bias can be seen in the disparity between men and women authorship of scientific papers. This study describes gender diversity in wildlife publishing across institutions, countries, and study species taxa in recent decades. We reviewed all research articles published in the Journal of Wildlife Management from 1999 to 2020 and collected author names and affiliations. We classified the gender of each author using, and calculated the men:women ratio of first and co-authors over time.
Giant Serpents Of Humboldt
Luis Penick Penick, Department of Geography, Environment & Spatial Analysis Undergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
My topic is a history of giant serpent folklore within Humboldt county and how and why it evolved. Covering how and why the folklore formed in the first place, and how and why has the folklore changed throughout time. This includes how it relates to other serpent folklore and why it is special and unique compared to different regions' folklore on serpents. To support my topic I am trying to briefly touch on why are serpents/snakes are so prevalent in folklore, what makes Humboldt a likely place for such a deep serpent mythos, what real life creatures sparked inspiration
Golf Club of Cal Poly Humboldt
Alexandria Monney, Other Undergraduate Student
College of Professional Studies
I chose to initiate this organization because I have the passion, credibility, and experience to instruct and coordinate groups of people regarding anything to do with the game of golf. I have always yearned to play the game of golf with others of my age too, which made me believe that there must be students that feel the same. There are also limited opportunities for students who play the game of golf because there is no existing club or sports team associated with the university. Lastly, nearby golf courses have great discounts for college students that could be better utilized.
Green Goal Futbol
William Krengel, School of Applied Health Undergraduate Student
- billysalazarKinesiology & Recreation AdministrationUndergraduate Student
College of Professional Studies
Our Spring 2023 Senior project is an event that invited the community to a 5 vs 5 soccer tournament in Arcata. The event took place on Saturday, April 22nd on the College Creek soccer field at Cal Poly Humboldt. Using a large facility like this outdoor soccer field will gave us the opportunity to host a large number of participants, Providing a safe and equal environment to play with others. One of the objectives of Green Goal Futbol was to create an accessible all inclusive event on campus to bring people together and have fun. We are hoping that people's memories of the event will inspire others to host similar events in the future.