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Presenters & Abstracts: College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Humboldt County Population Growth Correlated to Unidentified Flying Object Reports 1920 - 2021
Starsong Brittain, History Undergraduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social SciencesThis project looked to see what correlations could be found here in Humboldt county between population changes and annual number of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) repots from the years of 1920 to 2021.
Humboldt County Postpartum Needs Assessment: Life After Birth
Elisa Miller, Social Work Graduate Student
College of Arts, Humanities & Social SciencesIt is estimated that one in every five women experiences a mental health disorder like Postpartum Depression or Anxiety after giving birth. Humboldt County is one of the 35 out of 61 counties in CA that have recognized Perinatal Mental Health disorders as an issue. In order to improve postpartum care in Humboldt County a needs assessment was conducted of people who have given birth in Humboldt County over the last 10 years. Two Zoom storytelling focus groups of 6 people each and seven individual interviews were conducted. A thematic analysis of the data was conducted and presented in a report along with several recommendations.
Humboldt County Sanctuary Initiative
- Kevin Olmar MartinezPolitical ScienceUndergraduate Student
- Crystal RosalesPolitical ScienceUndergraduate Student
Centro Del Pueblo was created in response to the wave of anti immigration rhetoric and the increase of ICE raids in Humboldt County. The organization advocates for immigrant rights, organizing rallies, marches and most recently pushing its own initiative for sanctuary in Humboldt County. The initiative itself wont violate SB54 in anyway or violate the U.S. Constitution, what it will do is add extra layers of protection for the undocumented community from being persecuted by ICE, and promoting a safer community between the county and the immigrant community.
Humboldt County Women's Ethnographic Archive
- Fabiola SahagunAnthropologyUndergraduate Student
- Tim RyanAnthropologyUndergraduate Student
This goal of this project is to establish the Humboldt County Women’s Ethnographic Archive through the Anthropology department at Humboldt State University. An ethnographic archive is a collection of materials that provide historical and contemporary information about a place, group of people, or institution. Archives provide a repository for unpublished and other unique materials that preserve cultural memory and supplement the historical record. Women’s archives are particularly important as women’s contributions have generally been underrepresented in historical collections. The HCWEA’s mission will be to preserve the contributions and culture of Humboldt women from all walks of life.
Humboldt County's Opiod Epidemic
- Hannah PolitzerPolitical ScienceUndergraduate Student
I will be using the information I have gathered through my internship with California Senator Mike McGuire. Specifically, the Senator has an ongoing project having to do with the opioid crisis taking place in Humboldt County. Humboldt County has more opioid prescriptions than residents. With 156,444 prescriptions in 2016, the rate was nearly 1,145 prescriptions per 1,000 residents. Senator Mike McGuire has hosted two town hall forums to bring awareness to the community and to discuss solutions in order to fix this epidemic that is affecting so many lives in the community we reside in.
Humboldt Forensics: Lumberjack Speech and Debate 1926 - 2023
Aaron Donaldson, Communication Faculty
College of Arts, Humanities & Social SciencesA summary of Intercollegiate Forensics at Humboldt from the founding of the program in 1926 to cancellation in 2023.
Humboldt in the California Geographer
- Amanda KamletGeography, Environment, and Spatial AnalysisUndergraduate Student
- Matthew DerrickGeography, Environment, and Spatial AnalysisFaculty
Analyzing Humboldt's role in the California Geographer both spatially, and as an institution. Along with looking at the quantitive data of the journal since its conception in 1960.
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations Issue 39 Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education
- Josh SmithSociologyStaff
- Heather ClarkSociologyGraduate Student
- Jennifer MilesSociologyGraduate Student
This special issue of the Humboldt Journal of Social Relations (HJSR) captures work and experiences in higher education as they relate to changes and challenges around diversifying U.S. college campuses. Race, class, gender, sexuality, able-bodiedness, and citizenship shape contemporary conversations about campus climate, curricular content, organizational structures, decision making and the disparate impacts of related policy changes or stagnation. These conversations shape the everyday experiences of faculty and staff, and ultimately are linked to student success.
Humboldt State Calypso Band - Pan In Unity
- Eugene Novotney - Humboldt State Calypso BandMusicFaculty
Video of the Humboldt State Calypso Band performing Pan In Unity in Fulkerson Recital Hall featuring Len 'Boogsie' Sharpe from Trinidad & Tobago as the Featured Soloist. The video with credits is 7 minutes and 37 seconds long.
Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Impact on Community
- Kyle Groben, Jordan Stevens, Lillyanne PriceReligious StudiesUndergraduate Student
The Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Bayside is an all inclusive religious organization with a focus on fostering healthy relationships between all beings and the world we live in. HUUF has multiple committees through which they address different aspects of intersectional issues. In this poster we will compile the three separate emphasises of our service learning experience through the HUUF which are: children’s religious education, providing services to the homeless, and sharing the importance of native plants with the congregation. We will share what we learned from our experience, how that deepened our understanding of Religion in America, and how we served the community.l