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Presenters & Abstracts: College of Professional Studies
Healthy Youth, Healthy Communities
- Felicia J StansburySocial WorkGraduate Student
Our goal is to demonstrate the importance of connection between the natural environment, community, individuals, and wellness. We are creating a curriculum to provide a non-traditional prevention/intervention program of outdoor, wilderness activities for youth in the Southern Humboldt region. It is important to note, Ecological Systems Theory is the foundational framework for this project. The ecosystemic perspective is a way of thinking and organizing knowledge that emphasizes the interrelatedness and interdependency between individuals and social systems (Waller 2001). The purpose of our work; promoting healthy activities for youth in order to foster a healthier community.
Hell Bent on Consent
- Al NewmanPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Heather ReynoldsPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Edith GomezPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Indiana MurilloPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Cameron CarpenterPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Akacia MarksPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Benjamin GrahamPsychologyFaculty
On college campuses, the topic of sexual consent has received much attention over the past 15 years. Consent is a multifaceted term, and can incorporate an internal state of willingness, an act of explicitly agreeing to something, and behavior that someone else interprets as consent (Muehlenhard et al., 2016). Despite the attention to sexual consent within higher education, it is unknown whether or not this trend is reflected in human sexuality textbooks. The current study involved a content analysis of how the construct of sexual consent is represented in five major human sexuality textbooks in terms of location, definition, scope, and context.
High-Touch, Low-Tech: Managing Postpartum Engorgement
- Cassandra SchmidtNursingUndergraduate Student
Chest/breast engorgement is a common source of pain in the postpartum period. According to Huda et al. (2021) breast engorgement and pain are the leading cause of early discontinuation of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is life-saving, cost-effective, sustainable for the planet, and keeps parents, and babies healthier. A high-touch, low-tech approach to the management of engorgement can be utilized through gentle breast massage and hand expression. The implementation of supportive patient-centered care can increase in-hospital breastfeeding rates. Human milk is the optimal first food to support overall health and provide food security for infants in any situation.
HiiMR Marijuana Dispensary Data
- Christian HowerEconomicsUndergraduate Student
- Morgan AlexanderEconomicsUndergraduate Student
Changes in dispensary density by country in California
History of Prior Concussion Has No Negative Effect on Neurocognitive Performance Following Competitive Seasons in Uninjured Collegiate Soccer Athletes
- Aaron SinnottKinesiologyFaculty
Researchers have hypothesized a dose-response relationship between concussion history and decrements in neurocognitive function. However, dose-response evidence is uncertain among soccer athletes. Athletes from the HSU men’s and women’s soccer teams completed a computerized neurocognitive test before and after a soccer season. We observed no significant changes from preseason to postseason in ImPACT composite scores across any concussion group (p>0.05). Prior concussions did not result in immediate decreased neurocognitive function among collegiate soccer athletes. Participation in intercollegiate soccer for 1 or 2 competitive seasons does not negatively influence neurocognitive performance.
Honor Our Elders
Josh Ringland, Social Work Graduate Student
College of Professional StudiesOlder adults are a growing population in the United States and many elders suffer from physical, sexual, mental, isolation and financial abuse without any obvious signs. Through the research and evaluation of a growing number of elder abuse cases, Humboldt County’s Civil Grand Jury issued a report, Silver Tsunami Warning, explaining the concerns of elder abuse. Through this community project, my community partner, Adult Protective Services and I will bring mindfulness of elder abuse through promoting World Elder Abuse Awareness Month, advocate prevention of elder abuse, and educate how to report elder abuse through a visual campaign of banners advertised throughout Humboldt County.
Hormonal Factors Impacting Women's Relationship Jealousy
- Hannah FergusonPsychologyGraduate Student
- Jennifer MasadPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Steven BowmanPsychologyGraduate Student
- Danielle SiegelPsychologyGraduate Student
- Amanda HahnPsychologyFaculty
Previous research has suggested that the use of hormonal contraception affects women’s feelings of relationship jealousy. Combined oral contraceptive use, in partnered women, has been linked to an increase in reported feelings of relationship jealousy, especially among women using a high-estrogen dose pill formulation. While the pill is one of the most widely used forms of hormonal contraception, many health care professionals now encourage young women to use progesterone-only contraceptives. This study compares reported relationship jealousy in women using the pill and women using long lasting, progesterone-only contraceptives using Buunk’s (1997) relationship jealousy scale.
Housing Displacement & HSU Former Foster Youth: A Policy Brief
- Kristina BollmannSocial WorkGraduate Student
In addition to many other barriers to degree completion, former foster youth may also have fewer financial resources to cover the high cost of attending college because they may not have as much family support as students who have not been in the foster care system. This presentation summarizes the work from my MSW community project and aims to describe how former foster youth attending Humboldt State University (HSU) may be experiencing housing displacement. Transitional Housing Placement Plus (THP-Plus) and Transitional Housing Placement Plus Foster Care (THP+FC) are supportive living environments for college-aged youth who were in foster care or probation.
How Ankle Braces affect Mobility in Multidirectional sports
Kazimierz Parks , School of Applied Health Undergraduate Student
College of Professional StudiesThis is my senior project about how ankle braces or taping affects mobility in multidirectional sports.
How do I Look? Gender Conformity, Self-Critical Comments, and Friendship
- Elliott MeyerPsychologyUndergraduate Student
- Sarai Escalante-CastroPsychologyGraduate Student
- Stephanie SouterPsychologyGraduate Student
This study will investigate the differences in how men and women respond to same-sex friends and acquaintances engaging in self-criticism of their physical appearance. Past studies have found that physical appearance and body image are more relevant to women than to men. We expect that due to the different friendship norms that men and women follow, women will be more likely to respond to self-critical comments from friends with flattering comments, while men will be more likely to respond with honest opinions even if those responses are negative. It is also expected that following these norms will result in more positive interactions between same sex peers and acquaintances.